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active() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_active.xml ) Returns true if this client is still active and hasn't run into any trouble.
active() - Method in class Server
( begin auto-generated from Server_active.xml ) Returns true if this server is still active and hasn't run into any trouble.
active() - Method in class Serial
Return true if this port is still active and hasn't run into any trouble.
addFonts(String) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
Add a directory that should be searched for font data.
alwaysSimulate() - Static method in class NativeInterface
analogWrite(int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
attach(int) - Method in class SoftwareServo
Attaches a servo motor to a GPIO pin
attach(int, int, int) - Method in class SoftwareServo
Attaches a servo motor to a GPIO pin using custom pulse widths
attached() - Method in class SoftwareServo
Returns whether a servo motor is attached to a pin
attachInterrupt(int, PApplet, String, int) - Static method in class GPIO
Calls a function when the value of an input pin changes
available() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_available.xml ) Returns the number of bytes available.
available() - Method in class Server
( begin auto-generated from Server_available.xml ) Returns the next client in line with a new message.
available() - Method in class Serial


beginDraw() - Method in class RawDXF
beginDraw() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
beginDraw() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
beginShape(int) - Method in class RawDXF
beginTransmission(int) - Method in class I2C
Begins a transmission to an attached device
blend(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
blend(PImage, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
blend(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
blend(PImage, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
blend(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
blend(PImage, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
blend(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
blend(PImage, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
brightness(float) - Method in class LED
Sets the brightness
buffer(int) - Method in class Serial
bufferUntil(int) - Method in class Serial


CHANGE - Static variable in class GPIO
trigger when level changes
clear() - Method in class PWM
Disables the PWM output
clear() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_clear.xml ) Empty the buffer, removes all the data stored there.
clear() - Method in class Serial
Client - Class in
( begin auto-generated from Client.xml ) A client connects to a server and sends data back and forth.
Client(PApplet, String, int) - Constructor for class Client
Client(PApplet, Socket) - Constructor for class Client
clientCount - Variable in class Server
Number of clients currently connected.
clients - Variable in class Server
Array of client objects, useful length is determined by clientCount.
close() - Method in class I2C
Closes the I2C device
close() - Method in class LED
Restores the previous state
close() - Method in class PWM
Gives ownership of a channel back to the operating system
close() - Method in class SoftwareServo
Closes a servo motor
close() - Method in class SPI
Closes the SPI interface
closeDevice(int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
copy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
copy(PImage, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
copy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
copy(PImage, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
createSurface() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
createSurface() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG


DEFAULT_MAX_PULSE - Static variable in class SoftwareServo
DEFAULT_MIN_PULSE - Static variable in class SoftwareServo
detach() - Method in class SoftwareServo
Detatches a servo motor from a GPIO pin
digitalRead(int) - Static method in class GPIO
Returns the value of an input pin
digitalWrite(int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
Sets an output pin to be either high or low
digitalWrite(int, boolean) - Static method in class GPIO
disconnect(Client) - Method in class Server
( begin auto-generated from Server_disconnect.xml ) Disconnect a particular client.
displayable() - Method in class RawDXF
displayable() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
Don't open a window for this renderer, it won't be used.
displayable() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
Don't open a window for this renderer, it won't be used.
dispose() - Method in class RawDXF
dispose() - Method in class Client
Disconnect from the server: internal use only.
dispose() - Method in class Server
Disconnect all clients and stop the server: internal use only.
dispose() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
dispose() - Method in class Serial
Used by PApplet to shut things down.
dispose() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG


endDraw() - Method in class RawDXF
endDraw() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
endDraw() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
endShape(int) - Method in class RawDXF
endTransmission() - Method in class I2C
Ends the current transmissions


FALLING - Static variable in class GPIO
trigger when level changes from high to low
filter(int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
filter(int, float) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
filter(int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
filter(int, float) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG


get(int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
get(int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
get() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
get(int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
get(int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
get() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
getCTS() - Method in class Serial
getDSR() - Method in class Serial
getError(int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
getProperties(String) - Static method in class Serial
GPIO - Class in
GPIO() - Constructor for class GPIO


HIGH - Static variable in class GPIO


I2C - Class in
I2C(String) - Constructor for class I2C
Opens an I2C interface as master
INPUT - Static variable in class GPIO
input - Variable in class Client
INPUT_PULLDOWN - Static variable in class GPIO
INPUT_PULLUP - Static variable in class GPIO
interrupts() - Static method in class GPIO
Allows interrupts to happen
ip() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_ip.xml ) Returns the IP address of the computer to which the Client is attached.
ip() - Static method in class Server
is2D() - Method in class RawDXF
is3D() - Method in class RawDXF
isSimulated() - Static method in class NativeInterface


last() - Method in class Serial
lastChar() - Method in class Serial
LED - Class in
LED(String) - Constructor for class LED
Opens a LED device
list() - Static method in class I2C
Lists all available I2C interfaces
list() - Static method in class LED
Lists all available LED devices
list() - Static method in class PWM
Lists all available PWM channels
list() - Static method in class SPI
Lists all available SPI interfaces
list() - Static method in class Serial
listFonts() - Static method in class PGraphicsPDF
List the fonts known to the PDF renderer.
loadLibrary() - Static method in class NativeInterface
loadPixels() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
loadPixels() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
LOW - Static variable in class GPIO
LSBFIRST - Static variable in class SPI
least significant bit first


mask(int[]) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
mask(PImage) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
mask(int[]) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
mask(PImage) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
MODE0 - Static variable in class SPI
CPOL=0, CPHA=0, most common
MODE1 - Static variable in class SPI
MODE2 - Static variable in class SPI
MODE3 - Static variable in class SPI
MSBFIRST - Static variable in class SPI
most significant bit first, most common


NativeInterface - Class in
NativeInterface() - Constructor for class NativeInterface
nextPage() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
Call to explicitly go to the next page from within a single draw().
noInterrupts() - Static method in class GPIO
Prevents interrupts from happpening
NONE - Static variable in class GPIO


openDevice(String) - Static method in class NativeInterface
OUTPUT - Static variable in class GPIO
output - Variable in class Client


PGraphicsPDF - Class in processing.pdf
Thin wrapper for the iText PDF library that handles writing PDF files.
PGraphicsPDF() - Constructor for class PGraphicsPDF
PGraphicsSVG - Class in processing.svg
PGraphicsSVG() - Constructor for class PGraphicsSVG
pinMode(int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
Configures a pin to act either as input or output
pollDevice(String, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
port - Variable in class Serial
pre() - Method in class Serial
println(String) - Method in class RawDXF
Write a line to the dxf file.
processing.dxf - package processing.dxf - package - package
processing.pdf - package processing.pdf
processing.serial - package processing.serial
processing.svg - package processing.svg
PWM - Class in
PWM(String) - Constructor for class PWM
Opens a PWM channel


raspbianGpioMemRead(int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
raspbianGpioMemSetPinBias(int, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
raspbianGpioMemWrite(int, int, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
RawDXF - Class in processing.dxf
A simple library to write DXF files with Processing.
RawDXF() - Constructor for class RawDXF
read(int) - Method in class I2C
Reads bytes from the attached device
read() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_read.xml ) Returns a number between 0 and 255 for the next byte that's waiting in the buffer.
read() - Method in class Serial
readBytes() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_readBytes.xml ) Reads a group of bytes from the buffer.
readBytes(int) - Method in class Client
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class Client
readBytes() - Method in class Serial
readBytes(int) - Method in class Serial
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class Serial
readBytesUntil(int) - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_readBytesUntil.xml ) Reads from the port into a buffer of bytes up to and including a particular character.
readBytesUntil(int, byte[]) - Method in class Client
readBytesUntil(int) - Method in class Serial
readBytesUntil(int, byte[]) - Method in class Serial
readChar() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_readChar.xml ) Returns the next byte in the buffer as a char.
readChar() - Method in class Serial
readFile(String, byte[]) - Static method in class NativeInterface
readString() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_readString.xml ) Returns the all the data from the buffer as a String.
readString() - Method in class Serial
readStringUntil(int) - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_readStringUntil.xml ) Combination of readBytesUntil() and readString().
readStringUntil(int) - Method in class Serial
releaseInterrupt(int) - Static method in class GPIO
Stops listening for interrupts on an input pin
releasePin(int) - Static method in class GPIO
Gives ownership of a pin back to the operating system
RISING - Static variable in class GPIO
trigger when level changes from low to high
run() - Method in class Client
run() - Method in class Server


save(String) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
save(String) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
Serial - Class in processing.serial
( begin auto-generated from Serial.xml ) Class for sending and receiving data using the serial communication protocol.
Serial(PApplet) - Constructor for class Serial
Serial(PApplet, int) - Constructor for class Serial
Serial(PApplet, String) - Constructor for class Serial
Serial(PApplet, String, int) - Constructor for class Serial
Serial(PApplet, String, int, char, int, float) - Constructor for class Serial
serialEvent(SerialPortEvent) - Method in class Serial
Server - Class in
( begin auto-generated from Server.xml ) A server sends and receives data to and from its associated clients (other programs connected to it).
Server(PApplet, int) - Constructor for class Server
Server(PApplet, int, String) - Constructor for class Server
servoStartThread(int, int, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
servoStopThread(long) - Static method in class NativeInterface
servoUpdateThread(long, int, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
set(int, float) - Method in class PWM
Enables the PWM output
set(float) - Method in class PWM
Enables the PWM output with a preset period of 1 kHz
set(int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
set(int, int, PImage) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
set(int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
set(int, int, PImage) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
setDTR(boolean) - Method in class Serial
Set the DTR line
setLayer(int) - Method in class RawDXF
Set the current layer being used in the DXF file.
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
Set the library to write to an output stream instead of a file.
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
Set the library to write to an output stream instead of a file.
setPath(String) - Method in class RawDXF
setPath(String) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
setPath(String) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
setRTS(boolean) - Method in class Serial
Set the RTS line
setSpiSettings(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class NativeInterface
settings(int, int, int) - Method in class SPI
Configures the SPI interface
SoftwareServo - Class in
SoftwareServo(PApplet) - Constructor for class SoftwareServo
Opens a servo motor
SPI - Class in
SPI(String) - Constructor for class SPI
Opens an SPI interface as master
stop() - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_stop.xml ) Disconnects from the server.
stop() - Method in class Server
( begin auto-generated from Server_stop.xml ) Disconnects all clients and stops the server.
stop() - Method in class Serial


textFont(PFont) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
textMode(int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
Change the textMode() to either SHAPE or MODEL.
transfer(byte[]) - Method in class SPI
Transfers data over the SPI bus
transfer(String) - Method in class SPI
Transfers data over the SPI bus
transfer(int) - Method in class SPI
Transfers data over the SPI bus
transfer(byte) - Method in class SPI
Transfers data over the SPI bus
transferI2c(int, int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class NativeInterface
transferSpi(int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class NativeInterface


updatePixels() - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
updatePixels(int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsPDF
updatePixels() - Method in class PGraphicsSVG
updatePixels(int, int, int, int) - Method in class PGraphicsSVG


vertex(float, float) - Method in class RawDXF
vertex(float, float, float) - Method in class RawDXF


waitFor(int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
Waits for the value of an input pin to change
waitFor(int, int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
Waits for the value of an input pin to change This function will throw a RuntimeException in case of a timeout.
waitForInterrupt(int, int, int) - Static method in class GPIO
write(String, float) - Method in class RawDXF
Write a command on one line (as a String), then start a new line and write out a formatted float.
write(byte[]) - Method in class I2C
Adds bytes to be written to the device
write(String) - Method in class I2C
Adds bytes to be written to the attached device
write(int) - Method in class I2C
Adds a byte to be written to the attached device
write(byte) - Method in class I2C
Adds a byte to be written to the attached device
write(float) - Method in class SoftwareServo
Moves a servo motor to a given orientation
write(int) - Method in class Client
( begin auto-generated from Client_write.xml ) Writes data to a server specified when constructing the client.
write(byte[]) - Method in class Client
write(String) - Method in class Client
write(int) - Method in class Server
( begin auto-generated from Server_write.xml ) Writes a value to all the connected clients.
write(byte[]) - Method in class Server
write(String) - Method in class Server
write(byte[]) - Method in class Serial
write(int) - Method in class Serial
write(String) - Method in class Serial
writeFile(String, byte[]) - Static method in class NativeInterface
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class NativeInterface
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