Package processing.sound

package processing.sound
This Javadoc is only provided as reference for advanced users. It might describe functionality that is not yet available in official Sound library releases, but only in development test builds that can be downloaded from Github. New functionality might still be subject to change. For the basic documentation of the Processing Sound library with examples, please see
  • Class
    This is an all pass filter.
    This is a volume analyzer.
    Common superclass of all audio analysis classes
    AndroidPermissionException is thrown when trying to create an AudioIn on Android when you have not granted the required RECORD_AUDIO permission.
    AudioIn lets you grab the audio input from your sound card.
    This class allows you low-level access to an audio buffer to create, access, manipulate and play back sound samples.
    This is a band pass filter.
    The BeatDetector analyzer looks for spikes in the energy of an audio signal which are often associated with rhythmic musical beats and can be used to trigger a response whenever the incoming audio signal pulses.
    Brown noise (also called red noise) has higher energy at lower frequencies.
    This is a simple delay effect.
    Effect<EffectType extends UnitFilter>
    For advanced users: common superclass of all effect types
    This is an ASR (Attack Sustain Release) Envelope Generator.
    This is a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer.
    Common superclass for JSyn filters that have a 'frequency' and a 'Q' unitport
    This is a high pass filter.
    Helper class wrapping a source unit generator, add/pan processor and effect into one circuit.
    This is a low pass filter.
    Interface for any object that can be passed as a modulator to an oscillator's freq() and amp() methods.
    This class provides methods for querying the multi-channel output capabilities of audio devices, and for providing fine-grained control for the routing of sounds when outputting on a device with more than 2 channels.
    Noise<JSynNoise extends UnitGenerator>
    Common superclass of all noise generators
    Oscillator<JSynOscillator extends UnitOscillator>
    For advanced users: common superclass of all oscillator sound sources
    This is a pink noise generator.
    Detects the pitch (also known as the 'fundamental frequency') of a sound signal.
    This is a simple Pulse oscillator.
    This is a simple reverb effect.
    This is a simple Saw Wave Oscillator.
    This is a simple Sine Wave Oscillator.
    This class can be used for configuring the Processing Sound library.
    This is a Soundfile player which allows to play back and manipulate sound files.
    For advanced users: common superclass of all sound sources (oscillators, noise, audio samples and even AudioIn).
    This is a simple Square Wave Oscillator.
    This is a simple triangle wave oscillator.
    This is a Waveform analyzer.
    This is a White Noise Generator.