Interface PConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:
FrameBuffer, PApplet, PFont, PGraphics, PGraphics2D, PGraphics3D, PGraphicsJava2D, PGraphicsOpenGL, PImage, PImageAWT, PShader, PShape, PShapeJava2D, PShapeOBJ, PShapeOpenGL, PShapeSVG, PShapeSVG.Font, PShapeSVG.FontGlyph, PShapeSVG.Gradient, PShapeSVG.LinearGradient, PShapeSVG.LineOfText, PShapeSVG.RadialGradient, PShapeSVG.Text, PSketch, PStyle, ShimAWT, Texture

public interface PConstants
Numbers shared throughout processing.core.

An attempt is made to keep the constants as short/non-verbose as possible. For instance, the constant is TIFF instead of FILE_TYPE_TIFF. We'll do this as long as we can get away with it.

Web & Application