All Classes and Interfaces

This is an all pass filter.
This is a volume analyzer.
Common superclass of all audio analysis classes
AndroidPermissionException is thrown when trying to create an AudioIn on Android when you have not granted the required RECORD_AUDIO permission.
AudioIn lets you grab the audio input from your sound card.
This class allows you low-level access to an audio buffer to create, access, manipulate and play back sound samples.
This is a band pass filter.
The BeatDetector analyzer looks for spikes in the energy of an audio signal which are often associated with rhythmic musical beats and can be used to trigger a response whenever the incoming audio signal pulses.
Brown noise (also called red noise) has higher energy at lower frequencies.
This is a simple delay effect.
For advanced users: common superclass of all effect types
This is an ASR (Attack Sustain Release) Envelope Generator.
This is a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analyzer.
Common superclass for JSyn filters that have a 'frequency' and a 'Q' unitport
This is a high pass filter.
Helper class wrapping a source unit generator, add/pan processor and effect into one circuit.
This is a low pass filter.
Interface for any object that can be passed as a modulator to an oscillator's freq() and amp() methods.
This class provides methods for querying the multi-channel output capabilities of audio devices, and for providing fine-grained control for the routing of sounds when outputting on a device with more than 2 channels.
Common superclass of all noise generators
For advanced users: common superclass of all oscillator sound sources
This is a pink noise generator.
Detects the pitch (also known as the 'fundamental frequency') of a sound signal.
This is a simple Pulse oscillator.
This is a simple reverb effect.
This is a simple Saw Wave Oscillator.
This is a simple Sine Wave Oscillator.
This class can be used for configuring the Processing Sound library.
This is a Soundfile player which allows to play back and manipulate sound files.
For advanced users: common superclass of all sound sources (oscillators, noise, audio samples and even AudioIn).
This is a simple Square Wave Oscillator.
This is a simple triangle wave oscillator.
This is a Waveform analyzer.
This is a White Noise Generator.